Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mason Video

One Last Thing

On this learning journey, my favorite discoveries were Flickr and TeacherPop. This program has affected my lifelong learning goals, by giving me more insight on the teachnologies out there and available. This will help the students in my future classroom. It tells me that learning goals are more reachable and possible with technology. I didn't really come across any unexpected outcomes from this program. The only thing I can think of that could be done differently in this program is more teacher interaction. What I have learned will influence my practice as a teacher because I will implement some of the things I learned in this program in my future classroom. I plan on keeping up with the developments my bookmarking this page and seeing of anything changes in the future.

Thing Number 23

I would use the tutorial I made in our project for this class in teaching about Creative Commons in the future.
The entire 23 Things site is all over the US, so it is modified for each school that uses it.

Thing Number 22

I used Education Podcast Network. I have used this site before when we created a podcast for our project. It is very easy to use and navigate. I listened to Radio WillowWeb #33 . It was adorable. It is 2nd graders discussing art. I have already created a podcast for class, but will probably not create another one. No, there wasn't really one I found that I would subscribe to and listen to regularly.

Thing Number 21

I really like Animoto. I am going to use on MySpace and Facebook! It was a lot of fun and easy! I just hate that it takes so long to create at the end!

Thing Number 20

I love YouTube! There are so many different things to watch, both educational and noneducational. You can find a lot of videos that are kind of like Discovery Streaming. About the only thing I dislike is sometimes it is hard to find the same video twice! There are components that would be interesting if I applied to the library website, such as the educaional channels. My only fear would be students being able to see other things on the site because there is a lot of things they should not see!
I chose this video because children would love this video and it is educational!

Thing Number 19

Other than MySpace and Facebook I am a member of Xanga. This site is appealing to me but not as appealing as the other sites. I also really liked TeacherPop. I found this site interesting and a site that I would most likely use later. I like that it is all about education, not just social networking! If it isn't about education you shouldn't post it. I found a few friends from APSU too!

Thing Number 18

My Facebook Page
My MySpace Page
It is important for educators to know about social networking so they can understand their students and what they like. It is also important so they know the lingo, when someone says they are going to write in their wall, the teacher needs to know what that means! I really didn't gain any new insights because I have been a member of both MySpace and Facebook for quite a while. I love both sites, it is a great way to keep up with friends and know what is going on in their lives. The only thing I dislike is the new layout of Facebook, but I am getting use to it! I find MySpace to be more useful and easy to navigate and use. I can see a classroom or school using Facebook, not MySpace so much. You can get all of your students on the same Facebook page and they can communicate with you and other students.

Thing Number 17

I like the delicious site, but I did not like Furl. It just seemed harder to use. Delicious seems very helpful. I guess I had heard of social networking but never really knew what it was. I thought it was MySpace and Facebook. I can see the potential of delicious in the classroom. I see it more helpful for teachers though than students. Teachers can take advantage of the sites easily. If they are having problems finding information on a particular topic they can hopefully find the information that another teacher had previously found.

Thing Number 16

I chose iGoogle for my start page. It appealed to me because I already know a lot about Google. No, I won't make it my permanent home page because I already have a home page with AT&T that I have personalized myself. I would recommend iGoogle to anyone who doesn't already have a permanent home page. It has a lot of useful things like the calendar and news.

The online calendars could be useful to me by posting all of my students birthdays and making sure I get a reminder for them and we can mention it in class and have a mini-celebration. It can also keep me organized with important dates and times. The to-do lists were helpful. I make all kinds of to-do lists at home and at school, in fact, I have one today telling me what 23 Things I have not answered and need to do!!

Thing Number 15

I might use a wiki in my classroom to have my students communicate with one another and with me. It could be really neat when having a class party and have a list of what we need and then have the students get on and tel what they will bring and move that over to the things being brought category, so each student can see what is already being brought and what is still needed.
I find the wiki concept interesting because anyone can edit a comment no matter if they have an account or not. Now, this can be good and bad, but hopefully people will use it in the way it was intended and not be nasty.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thing Number 14

I chose MindMapping and Gliffy . Mindmapping is a pretty neat tool. I would find this great in planning projects. Because when I try to plan a project, my mind is all over the place! So, this would really help me! Gliffy is also very neat. I think, it would be great to use in our project with the classoom drawing. It would also be great to use in the classroom for your discipline chart. It would name your punishments for the thing they did wrong.

Thing Number 13

I found an assessment template! This is very neat and will come in handy!! I could use the student homework template also. It could be used for students who were absent and missed the assignments.
I love all the templates! There are 50, you can use them for work or home. I like this site for the templates, not so much for word documents. I would rather just use Word.